Monday, January 19, 2009

Tiger Mountain, Jan. 19, 2009

Short and sweet: Tracy, Jeff and Robin, and me--11.54 miles. Couple or three summits. Lots of altitude gain/loss. Inversion weather: 30s at base, 60s up top! Warm and beautiful. What is that shiny orb up in the sky? Mountain top: sorta crowded! Downhills: ahhh; young again...Super good peppermint chocolate endurance training cake in parking lot thanks to Robin; then home to a latte! Let's do it again next weekend!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Haleakala Jan. 11 2009

Many pix and few words. Me and my braddah Doug up on Haleakala, 10,000 ft, from full moon to sunrise, early AM Sunday Jan. 11. Turns out there is a 19 mile trail (NOT road, as used in Run to the Sun) from top to bottom (10000 ft to sea level). Some of these pix show the start of this trail, a thin pale line on the reddish-brown surface of the eroded volcano top.

Short story: I will run this trail. Details--let's talk my friends.