Some would say two and half hours and eleven hilly miles with three or four good running buddies makes for a nice day. Tracy B would say it's a nice short warmup. We all finished up happy to be done (none more than me) but Tracy headed back for fourteen more. Sheesh. Musta been Ali's coffee. Beautiful day!
Two loops--11 then 7+. Tracy and Laura S were zooming and could have done the planned 20 but I was sore and tired and threw a flag at 18ish. Started 6:45 AM; headlights! Sunrise shortly thereafter; intermittent mist, some beautful sunbreaks; dang it was a nice day. FInished with some cookies in the parking lot and my new best friend the portable ice massage. Next weekend off for me; legs happy about it. Good friends, great day. Chuckanut in 6 weeks!