Sunday, March 29, 2009

Cougar Mtn. Sat 3-28-09

Nice and cool and gray and...snowy?? Huh.

Eight miles easy, a week after Chuckanut; Tracy and Ali and a good time had by all. Very pretty out there! I look forward to these outings all week. We are so fortunate to live so close to such wildness.

Snowy/sleety coffee in the parking lot--strong!, Ali-style; then rounded out nicely with a latte from a warm, cozy, and crowded Starbuck's, and home to take Emily to ballet.

Good stuff!


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Chuckanut 50K, 3-21-2009: Better last than never

Actually Laura H claims one or two people straggled in even after me, but that seems impossible, Anyway, even the slowest finish is a did-not-quit and I'm good with that. (Next day--I see it's posted as a DNF: it's an F, but a DNF on time:)) Still, this is my first time getting back so late that even the race clock has gone home ahead of me. 

Beautiful day!--despite dire weather predictions. Big crowd in the cool AM crowding in to get bibs and chip timers; saw Ana S at the dropoff, saw Tracy B and Laura H manning (personing?) the station, saw Laura S at the opposite table. Friendly faces, yeeha! 

Start was chilly and exciting. 

Next twenty miles--plenty of time alone with myself to think:)--didn't take pix, just kept plugging away--

then halfway up Chinscraper--who is that denizen of the primeval forest, dropped out of a clear sky into the craziest terrain of the day, packing a camera bigger than my leg? The Glenn-onator! My iPhone camera fought him to a draw. Some very welcome encouraging words from him and off to the last third of the trot.

Aid Station Four: angels of mercy!!!!! Tracy B and Laura S. I owe them. Ai yi yi. They dragged me the rest of the way in--9 miles? It sure was excellent to have company. Looked around a bit and enjoyed the truly beautiful scenery and day, and the pleasure of being able to be out in it and move--yeah, slowly--through so much dang pretty territory.

Even got a living finish-line arch to run under!

As noted above, no timing equipment remained, so here's a pic of the Garmin to document completion of the course. 31.06 miles, 8:59; 17:22 pace. 

Emily Anne's sign: Go Dad Go! 

Lessons learned: one day a week is not enough training for a mountain trail ultra. Who knew? :) Work to do ahead.

All's well that ends well: the morning-after breakfast in Fairhaven (after a great two nights in the event's official hotel, the Hampton Inn)--that smiley fruit plate guy? When all is said and done, I know just how he feels.

Thanks run buddies for encouragement, thanks Krissy M for a great event to aim for. I wonder if this would be as much fun if I were actually prepared for it...? (Gwen S: yeah you tried to tell me!)

Oh, all right then; back to the training!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Cougar Trail Run, Sat 3/7/2009

Laura is back in (carefully monitored) action!--and Tracy's minor knee tweak couldn't keep her down, so we all headed out for a 7.5-miler at Cougar. Weather folks prepped us for a cold and snowy Sunday so we got out early Saturday AM to beat the freeze.

Nice try.

Trails started clean but the more we ran (just over 2 hrs) the wetter and whiter it got. Saw Tim H and a pal in shorts!! and were glad not to be them, at least in that regard. Also encountered a big group looking ready to camp out for the weekend--hmmm.

Icy crystals on coat--crazy, man. Unusual winter this year.

The clay pit road got full-on whited out.

We had a great time; got back to the car, thawed fingers, watched ice melt in Tracy's hair and Laura got her toes up to the ceiling where the hot air rises. Home for lattes and bring on the weekend.

Tracy maybe Fishline 50K next weekend, me Chuckanut in 2 weeks. Yeeha!